Spring 2021

It has been a privilege to serve as your President through these unprecedented times. Together we faced challenges with positivity, dedication and kindness. The TEAM collaboration has only firmed my belief in this organization’s principles and foundation. It exceeded all expectations in organizing the COD’s 11th Annual Board Review virtual course and our virtual mock oral examinations for our aspiring candidates.

It is a matter of pride that the College of Diplomates Organization has traversed a remarkable journey of growth since its founding year to now, its silver jubilee milestone of 25 years!  Our diversity characterizes our attributes, further enriching our global community, and opening new dimensions for growth. In upholding the organization’s mission, each predecessor paved the path for the next successor.  I am honored and humbled to be a part of the 25 year milestone of the College of Diplomates. In keeping the momentum of this journey to ensure that obligations are fulfilled, and the COD’s events’ cycle maintained amidst challenges, our organization this year was able to achieve the following:

  1. Merged with the AAE website officially as a branch of our parent organization.
  2. Officially changed our COD Logo with the participation of our members.
  3. Launched our Virtual Board Review Course and virtual mock oral exams for our candidates successfully.
  4. Signed up more Mentors to give back to those on the road to board certification.
  5. Initiated the ‘Share Your Story’ series for our Pinnacle newsletter.
  6. Updated our website to allow for easier navigation
  7. Improved member interaction within our organization.

The 11th Annual Board Review Course of the College Of Diplomates set a strategic direction with the launching of its first virtual event, which proved to be a tremendous success. The event unfolded an important series of excellent presentations, centered over an evidence-based model in clinical care by well-established, elite, and recognized professionals in our field on pertinent topics in endodontics. With close to 300 participants, the highest attendance, the event far exceeded in attracting a huge gathering of participants. The event covered a wide range of topics from endodontic treatment outcomes, endodontic surgery, oral pathology, regenerative endodontics, trauma and resorption, evidence-based literature, mechanisms and management of endodontic pain, management of medically complex patients etc., leading to fruitful discussions and dialogues relevant to endodontics, and critical to board preparation for our community.

Additionally, our 11th Annual Board Review course merged with our Mock Oral Examinations virtually, its purpose was to simulate and provide vital exposure to the important preparation needed for the American Board of Endodontics examination. As a mentoring body, our drive and mission is to ensure that the qualified graduates’ community realizes its aspiration of achieving recognition, and excelling in their field through crossing the Board certification bridge. The planning phase involved various iterations, but then the final rollout proved rewarding, where twenty-four candidates availed the opportunity to challenge the mock oral simulations. Two parallel sessions were hosted with 12 examiners who worked with dedication in providing expertise and guidance to the candidate’s road to board certification. Each session had an inbuilt real time feedback that proved to be invaluable to our candidates. A new framework to support digital transformation in endodontic education is now the starting point for the future; we look forward to further expanding our sessions and adding even more examiners for 2022 and onward.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all our phenomenal speakers, mentors and examiners for rendering their expertise, dedication and support in facilitating each candidate’s journey towards board certification. The organization of our events would not be possible without the support of our wonderful sponsors ! I would like to thank our members for their continued support and our Executive Secretary, Aimee Rylko, for her steadfast approach through the organization of the events.

With the ever growing demand and need, the College of Diplomates is happy to share that we will be holding our mock simulation exam two times a year! The mock oral exams are scheduled a minimum of a month prior to the American Board Examination to provide candidates time to reflect on the necessary feedback provided by our examiners/mentors. The second mock orals simulation exam for 2021 will be held in August. Please reach out to Aimee Rylko at [email protected] to sign up. More details will be shared this summer.

Despite the upcoming American Association of Endodontics meeting being held in a virtual platform, it has not dampened our spirits. The College of Diplomates eagerly looks forward to welcoming our New Diplomates into our organization and extending a warm welcome with a hearty congratulations for achieving a distinct milestone in your profession. We look forward to celebrating in person with you in 2022!

On a personal note, I would like to thank the College of Diplomates Organization and our Board of Directors for the opportunity to serve as Director, Chair of Mentoring for the past 8 years, and now President. It has been a remarkable journey highlighted by great friendships, embarking on new ones, mentorships, camaraderie, and the reward of fulfilment and growth of our mission. Our membership has grown in just the past 4 years, to over 1500! A wonderful testament of our profession to the dedication of a united goal, and a promise to our specialty to be board-certified. I look forward to continuing my contributions to the organization’s further growth, welcoming new diplomates each year, embracing new talent and innovation over the next 25 years as our COD journey heads toward its golden milestone of 50 years!]

Priya S. Chand, MSD

President, College of Diplomates
